Wayout raises €6m Series A, for water-as-a-service


Sweden-based Wayout, produces container-sized water treatment facilities/ systems to remove impurities & demineralizes groundwater. The startup helps “localize” drinking water production & removes the need to rely on plastic bottles for water distribution & consumption (especially in “faraway” destinations). Complementing the purification hardware is a software which continuously measures water quality (& allows users & operators to monitor their drinking habits). Wayout’s patented system has been developed with partners like Alfa Laval, Siemens & Ericsson. Easy to install & operate, a unit’s expected lifetime is 30 years. It can supply 2,000-3,000 people with drinking water per day, saving about 6.5m plastic bottles per year. A good thing, because (you guessed it) plastic bottles are a problem (there’s 66x more plastic bottles than people on earth, 92% of them aren’t recycled, plastic waste accounts for 90% of all rubbish floating in our oceans & phthalates – a chemical used to make plastic bottles more durable & flexible – has been shown to harm a person’s endocrine system). The new capital will be used to scale up & expand in the Middle East, where Wayout is establishing a subsidiary & to deliver systems in India & across Asia more broadly. Wayout was founded in 2018 by Ulf Stenerhag (CEO) & Martin Renck (CMO). <Source: articstartup.com, eu-startups.com, tech.eu>