Bayer acquires Blackford Analysis, specialized in AI for radiology


Pharmaceutical giant Bayer has agreed to acquire (terms not disclosed) UK-based Blackford Analysis – a “strategic imaging AI provider to radiology labs” (the company previously helped Bayer develop its Calantic Digital Solutions, as part of the G4A Digital Health Partnerships Program). Founded in 2009 by Ben Panter (CEO), Blackford Analysis assists radiology clinics & developers of clinical radiology products to build bespoke AI imaging tools. Through the company’s “AI imaging marketplace”, said can access third-party products to e.g. accelerate medical image aggregation & annotate relevant literature with scientific knowledge. Its worth noting that Bayer is shifting its radiology strategy from a focus on individual products (contrast dyes & injection systems) to becoming a “solutions provider”. Blackford Analysis will allow Bayer’s customers to add multiple AI functions to their clinical workflows, relieving pressure on radiologists (by allowing them to review increasingly complex images faster, more accurately & with fewer staff). “To preserve its entrepreneurial culture”, Blackford Analysis will operate as an “independent organization” within Bayer. The acquisition is expected to close later this year <Source: medtechdive)