Hardt Hyperloop raises Growth round, for hyperloop lane switching technology


Netherlands-based, Hardt Hyperloop has (among other) developed breakthrough Hyperloop Lane Switch (HLS) technology, which enables hyperloop vehicles to change lanes without additional or moving parts (allowing said to switch routes or merge in & out of hyperloop networks whilst travelling at high speed). The company is one of the key partners of the European Hyperloop Development Program – an initiative of 29 hubs/ cities & regions teaming up to create a hyperloop network. To that effect, Hardt Hyperloop was already awarded €15m from the European Commission. The new growth capital (round terms undisclosed) will go towards construction of the European Hyperloop Center test facility in Groningen, where in 2023 a 3km test track is scheduled to start operations, with the aim to certify the system for cargo transport by 2025. To do so, the startup partners with a wide range of industry giants such as Deutsche Bahn, Rete Ferroviara Italiana, Tata Steel, Posco International & InnoEnergy. Hardt Hyperloop was founded by Tim Houter (CEO), Marinus van der Meijs (CTO), Sascha Lamme (COO) & Mars Geuze (CCO). The founders were part of the TU Delft team that won the first SpaceX Hyperloop competition (powered by Elon Musk) in 2017. Other hyperloop startups in Europe include Swisspod (CH) (€1.3m), Nevomo (PL) (€12m) & Zeleros (ES) (€10m) <Source: siliconcanals.com, railtech.com, thelocal.es, techfundingnews.com>