Hadrian raises Growth funding, for large-scale pen testing


“30-40% of a company’s IT infrastructure isn’t even known by security teams”. Therefore, startups have appeared that simulate broad-based cyber-attacks. One such startup is Netherlands & UK-based Hadrian, which offers a SaaS platform for large-scale “pen testing”: scanning companies entire IT infrastructure (from outside-in), with its AI models mimicking a hackers creativity, to identify & remedy digital threats & attack vectors (also known as “attack surface management” or “cyber risk mapping”). As such, Hadrian competes in the US with Randori (acq. by IBM), RiskIQ (acq. by Microsoft), Palo Alto Networks (with their Cortex product) & CyCognito (<€150m) & in Europe with likes of Egerie (FR) (<€30m). Hadrian currently employees 60 people & the new funds will go towards hiring additional hackers, developers & sales specialists, consolidating its European market presence & preparing for US expansion. Hadrian was founded in 2021 by “white hat afficionados” Rogier Fischer (CEO), Tijl van Vliet (CTO), Olivier Beg (Head of Hacking) & Maurice Clin (CFO). <Sources: siliconcanals.com, techcrunch.com, fintech.global>